Monday, February 28, 2011

Blind hem stitch

It's haunting me...  I want to learn, and I have the tools available to learn, but I just haven't brought myself to do it.  So, my goal for this week is to master the blind hem stitch.  I know I could create some masterpieces (i.e. new pillows) with this stitch.  Just need to give it a try!

This stitch is the one needed to close up that dreaded fourth side of a pillow.  Think about it for a second.  Fabrics down, and using your machine, stitch up three of the four sides of a square, or rectangular, pillow.  Then, turn the fabrics inside out so your pretty sides are exposed.  Add your insert, or polyfill, and then you are left to sew up the final side, all without the threads, or stitching, showing.  You can hand sew, sure, but I want to learn how to do it with my machine.  And so, this is my task. 

Of course, I constantly have 3 children at home in my space, so that makes things slightly more challenging.  But, I look at pictures, or think up ideas in my head and think, "I could do that."  Well, the problem is that if I don't try, I won't be able to "do that". 

I want to create beautiful things, and be a working homemaker, wife, mom of three, chef, housekeeper, architect, soccer mom, gardener, friend and chauffer that I've always wanted to be...

Here are some cute ideas, and inspiration:


  1. I love these pillows so much! If not to make- then I wish I could just buy them all and fluff them in different rooms- they're so pretty and totally versatile. Oh how I LOVE pillows!!!!! Any pillows!!!!!

  2. Dear dumb:

    I would like to request 2 purple pillows with white bows like the first picture...I want to put them on my big red chairs.

    Please and thanks,

    your fave little sister.

  3. Ditto friend, ditto. It's on my "to do" list.


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