Monday, April 18, 2011

My boys

The Pioneer Woman occasionally has photography contests on her blog, and last week the subject was "Brothers".  I had been anticipating this photography contest, because, well, I have all boys.  I know everyone probably thinks their kiddos are the sweetest, cutest, most loving beings on the planet and I, too, think this about my own.  They make my heart melt, they bring us so much joy, and I love their sweet souls.

Unfortunately, my photos were not selected as winners, or even finalists.  But, I did think I would go ahead and post some of my favorite photos of my boys, and some of my favorite "brother" photos.  Enjoy!


  1. Love the one of them playing cars at the table!

  2. Well, they are winners in my book....but I am bias! 1. I'm their teacher & 2. I LOVE THEM! I will miss them this summer. I can't help it, I get attached! Love your blog :)


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